Open PTA Leadership Positions
2023 - 2024
President - Elect
Executive Board Officer Position
be authorized to sign on bank accounts and access accounts electronically, unless prohibited by terms of employment;
serve as an ex-officio member on all committees except nominating and financial reconciliation committees;
no more than 30-days after the election meeting, call a meeting of the newly elected officers to:
appoint a parliamentarian and all standing committee chairs; subject to the approval of the newly-elected officers;
conduct any other business as shall become necessary;
after this, all meetings shall be of the entire executive board as defined by the Executive Board article; and,
automatically become president at the end of the term.
Voting Member
(Will need to attend monthly PTA Board Meetings)
Parent Education/Youth Protection Chair
Executive Board Officer Position
Promotes safety awareness keeping local members apprised of current news, trends, safety and protection events. Works with Dove counselor and district advisors and vendors on educating the unit members and students to promote safety, community and awareness.
Voting Member
(Will need to attend monthly PTA Board Meetings)
Club Chair: Chess Club
Special Committee Position
Works with school staff to coordinate and organize the Chess Club meetings, activities, and funding, as needed. Not required to attend all chess club meetings, but instead works as a liaison to the PTA.
Non-Voting Member
(Does not attend monthly PTA Board Meetings, unless expressly invited. )
Club Chair:
Destination ImagiNation
Special Committee Position
Represents and coordinates the Destination ImagiNation program for Dove Elementary School campus.​
Non-Voting Member
(Does not attend monthly PTA Board Meetings, unless expressly invited. )
Club Chair: KDOV
Special Committee Position
Works with campus librarian to coordinate and organize all KDOV activities, and funding, as needed. Not required to attend all meetings, but instead works as a liaison to the PTA.
Non-Voting Member
(Does not attend monthly PTA Board Meetings, unless expressly invited. )
Club Chair: Music
Special Committee Position
Works with the campus music teacher to coordinate and organize all Music Booster activities, including Choir & Dynamic Drummers. Not required to attend all club meetings, but instead works as a liaison to the PTA.
Non-Voting Member
(Does not attend monthly PTA Board Meetings, unless expressly invited. )
Club Chair: Safety Patrol
Special Committee Position
Works with staff to coordinate and organize all safety patrol activities, as well as any needs from the PTANot required to attend all meetings, but instead works as a liaison to the PTA.
Non-Voting Member
(Does not attend monthly PTA Board Meetings, unless expressly invited. )
Silent Auction Chair
Special Committee Position
Solicits donations and items for auction. Prepares bid sheets, decorations, and collection of all items. Coordinates staff contributions and grade-level baskets.​
Non-Voting Member
(Does not attend monthly PTA Board Meetings, unless expressly invited. )
Talent Show Chair
Special Committee Position
Promotes and coordinates all aspects for the Dove Talent Show working with clear and concise guidelines and expectations providing a non-competitive, esteem-building experience for those involved.​
Non-Voting Member
(Does not attend monthly PTA Board Meetings, unless expressly invited. )